Brian Baldelli

A.K.A. “Billy”

Co-Best Man:

“Catch you on the dance floor.”

How did you meet Graham and Rachel?

On meeting Graham: “Playing cops and robbers on the playground in 1st grade”

On meeting Rachel: “Through Lauren M. and Graham.”

“Right before throwing a party and people started arriving Graham microwaved his burger in aluminum foil. The smell was one of the worst smells and that smell radiated through the house for days. After a quick scolding, Graham proceeded to chow down on the very burger that was in the aluminum foil wrap“

What is one of your favorite memories with Graham?

“I’m CERTAIN Rachel is the right woman for Graham. Graham is constantly grasping and running with new ideas and having fun along the way. Rachel always seems supportive in the best kind of way for a man like Graham. She’s a ride or die on and off the bike which is a hard trait to find. She can direct and support his endless pursuits and passions through her own femininity that is synergistic to all aspects of their lives. Likewise Graham is capable of bringing joy paired with humor to enliven the mundane. He’s a damn good man, a man’s man and eager to help others. Graham has a desire to be the best man he can be so when duty calls he’s capable of the challenge at hand, even if it’s only making another smile.”

What do you think makes Graham and Rachel a good team?

Get to know Brian a little better:

Brian, do you have any interests, hobbies, or passions?


Brian, Tell us three fun facts about yourself

1) “Juicy”

2) “ “

3) “ “

Brian through the years