Brianne Scott

A.K.A. “DJ B. Scott”

formerly "DJ B. Math”

Matron of Honor: Rachel’s big cousin (on Rachel’s father’s side of the family), BFFLE, and ultimate coach on every topic in Rachel’s life

“My name is Brianne Scott! I’m Rachel’s favorite cousin & favorite sister & favorite friend.

That is all anyone needs to know.”

From the couple:

Brianne is probably one of the kindest people we know. She is an incredible mother and has been a role model for Rachel since they were babies.

We love any time we can spend hanging out with our “Roomies,” Brianne, Dave, lil Winnie, and their awesome dog layla (a.k.a. Lahloo).

How did you meet Graham and Rachel?

“My memory is a little fuzzy since we were both babies, but I’m pretty sure Rachel was born and I was like “Thank God Aunt Theta gave me a girl. Justin, Michael, Matthew WHO!? Rachel’s the only one I love now.

I met Graham at Meme’s house during the summer and we went to Jenks later that night. Squan Dogs was born at the Jersey shore that summer. There were guidos, techno music, palm trees and alcohol. It was blissful.”

“He’s the yin to her yang! They share the same sense of humor. They balance each other out. The two of them support each other in everything they do and they have the biggest hearts!”

What do you think makes Graham and Rachel good for each other?

What is one of your favorite memories with Graham and Rachel?

“My favorite memory of us.. hmm there are too many. Probably when we became roommates our first Christmas all together. We went on a 7-day bender, lit the menorah, wrapped Christmas presents, played 90’s power hour and wore matching PJs at club Leggett <3”

Get to know DJ B. Scott even better:

Brianne’s personal V.I.P.:

While we consider Brianne a “V.I.P.” in our lives, she has a few V.I.P’s of her own:

  • Her super cool husband (who is also one of Graham’s besties and groomsmen), Dave Scott

  • She and Dave’s precious little girl, Winona Scott

Brianne’s interests and passions:

  • Fashion

  • Skating

  • Painting

  • Music

Fun facts about Brianne:

  1. “I am Mama to Winona.”

  2. “I am a figure skater.”

  3. “I love Incubus.”

DJ B. Scott through the years