Kevin Smith

Groomsman; Graham’s very tall big-cousin

“I am Kevin Smith, one of Graham's incredibly good-looking older cousins. I've got an arsenal of hilariously incriminating stories of Graham, many including the most foul-smelling, fur-lined cowboy boots to ever exist.

My smokin’ hot wife and I have been together since 2008, we got married in 2016 in Vegas after the birth of our eldest daughter Emilia. In 2019 our youngest daughter Natalie was born in Raleigh, NC. We all currently live in the burbs outside Raleigh with our two dogs, PennyLane & Lucy.

I have spent the majority of my adult life within the hospitality industry. For the past 10 years. I have been crushing it as Executive Chef for upscale hotels and private clubs in the Raleigh area.

That smokin’ hot wife I mentioned... not as culinary-inclined, therefore I enjoy coming home from work, opening a bottle of wine, and cooking with and for my family.

I'm a big football fan, sports, in general, are my thing. Golf and basketball are the two that I enjoy playing the most. You do not want to challenge me on the court. My family and I love a good beach day and we travel as often as we can. I am a family man who is constantly surrounded by all females, even the dogs are girls...oy! Despite the surplus of estrogen, I am eternally grateful for the way my life has unfolded and I wouldn't trade it for anything.”

How did you meet Graham and Rachel?

On meeting Graham: “Day one son”

On meeting Rachel: “Family function, brave girl.”

“My favorite memory involving both Graham & Rachel... Mimi Smash! When our eldest was 2 years old they taught her "Hulk Smash" and strapped some Incredible Hulk gloves on her. She then spent the next year randomly smashing things with her hands, always saying ‘MIMI SMASH!!!’“

What is one of your favorite memories with Graham and Rachel?

How would you describe the relationship shared between Graham and Rachel?

“Both are fun, good-hearted people. There are always lots of laughs when we are able to get together.”

Get to know Kevin even better:

Kevin’s personal V.I.P.s:

While we consider Kevin a “V.I.P.” in our lives, he has a few V.I.P.s of his own:

  • Jennifer McNeely Smith A.K.A. Kevin’s “smokin’ hot wife”

  • Kevin and Jen’s two INCREDIBLE daughters, Emilia and Natalie

Kevin’s hobbies and passions:

“The wife and I love live music and try to escape the children to go to shows as often as possible.

Anyone interested in babysitting two "spirited" little girls?!?”

Fun facts about Kevin:

1) “I can catch anything at any time... try me.”

2) “My number one priority most days is to make all my girls smile and laugh, we have a lot of fun at my house.”

3) “Over the years thanks to adulthood & dad-life, I have been able to add pool maintenance, furniture restoration, hair braiding, & memorization of every Disney Princess song to my repertoire.”

Kevin Through the Years