Lauren McCLoskey

Bridesmaid: Rachel's college roommate and bestie for life! (Also a pretty awesome match-maker if you ask Graham and me…)

Hi, my name is LAUREN! I am a Demand Planner in Supply Chain, but prior to my current career, I attended college at UNCW, where I met Rachel.

Rachel AND I WERE sorority sisters in Phi Mu and ended up becoming ROOMMATES DURING senior year!

I CURRENTLY LIVE IN Pennsylvania, where I grew up, but I miss the South. So, maybe I’ll make the move back down soon!

I ADORE ANIMALS! I’ve fostered two pups this year while they were waiting to find their forever homes, AND I also HAVE A DOG OF MY OWN, cOLBEE.

I love any activity that allows me to get creative and artsy. I’ve recently become interested in wellness practices, so I’m starting to incorporate things such as acupuncture and hot yoga into my regular routines.

From the couple:

Lauren is such a sweet person all around and may often come off as “soft-spoken.” But we know better… Lauren is an absolute party animal who is always down for a night out or a spontaneous adventure. This girl is so easy-going and can turn on a dime with a moment’s notice to adapt to whatever opportunities and fun things come her way.

We obviously LOVE that Lauren introduced us to each other in the first place. However, it would be unfair to simply leave it at just that, because there is so much to love about her! Lauren is so kind and thoughtful. She is beyond considerate to others and she is a 100% ride-or-die friend for the people she cares about the most. She is loyal like no one we have ever seen and she always goes the extra mile to lend a hand or help out whenever she can.

We love her tolerance of all the Jaeger bombs she partook in with us during the early months of our relationship. We love her taste in music (we can always trust her with the aux). We love who she is as a person and we are some really lucky people to have a friend as wonderful as Lauren.

How did you meet Graham and Rachel?

“I met Graham through his best man, Brian! Brian and I studied abroad together in college and I quickly heard about Graham and my Cupid wings started tingling a bit. I knew I wanted Graham and Rachel to meet when we were all back in Wilmington, NC. And it finally happened one momentous night at MAW. Brian and I tried to reunite some of the study abroad people when we got back to Wilmington for get-togethers, but no one would typically come anyways so most of those nights it ended up being just Brian, who would bring his roommate Graham, and me bringing my roommate and bestie Rachel. And the rest is history.

I met Rachel through Phi Mu sorority at UNCW! I joined Phi Mu sorority spring semester of the first year I got to school there because I was searching for genuine friendships to help me settle into college. Rachel stood out to me immediately as someone I felt an electric connection with. She was so inviting and talked to us newly joined girls like she had been our friend for years. I’ll never forget the day that I met her and getting a ride in the back of the Chrysler 300. It was a day that I remember vividly and I felt like I knew in the moment that she would mean a lot to me, forever.”

How would you describe Graham and Rachel’s relationship?

“When I think of Rachel and Graham together, I think of the word balance.

I think they provide each other support in areas that they never even thought they could find in someone else. It was beautiful to see their love for each other blossom so quickly because once they met, they were inseparable. They unite in their passions of giving back to their community, love of animals, music, sense of humor, and lively personalities. I’m so thrilled to see what adventures lie ahead for them.”

What is one of your favorite memories with Graham and Rachel?

“Despite partaking in some alcoholic beverages, I can very vividly remember the night that Rachel and Graham met and hanging out at the little house on Rose Ave. Brian and I had a big laugh in the smelly ol’ kitchen about how well the two of you guys hit it off. “

Get to know Lauren M. even better:

Lauren’s interests and passions:

  • Being outdoors and in nature

  • Creative arts like ceramics, stained glass works, etc.

  • Bojangles!

  • Volunteering at animal rescues and caring for dogs that are in need

Fun facts about Lauren:

1) “I’m really good at finding four-leaf clovers.”

2) “I was an extra in a movie. (thank u, Wilmington, for that).”

3) “I have a birthmark that’s even paler than me.”

Lauren through the years