Michael Eakins

A.K.A. “Nomad”

Groomsman; Graham’s Former Band-Mate in “The Convoy”

“Hey, my name is Michael Eakins and I live in Wilmington, NC.

I love a stellar sunset and an ice-cold bevvy. Lol for work I flip houses and play live music.

I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone and happily marrying Graham and Rachel!!”

How did you meet Graham and Rachel?

“Graham and I met way back yonder, when we started this radical reggaetronic rock back by the name of Elephant Convoy.

I met Rachel through the Graham-Bo himself.”

“Haha oh man, this could go on and on just like the wheels on Consuela (our trusty ol’ band van).

I’d have to say ‘couch pouch palace’ at Surrounded by the Sound.

Orrrr that one time we played at HOB In Myrtle beach when the band was looking for Graham for sound check, and he answers his phone to tell us he’s in the green room bathroom ‘touching butts with sooo many famous rockstars.’”

What is one of your favorite memories with Graham?

What do you want to say to the couple about their relationship as they get closer to marriage?

“Y’all bring the best out in each other.”

Get to know Nomad even better:

Nomad’s personal V.I.P.:

While we consider Mike a “V.I.P.” in our lives, his girlfriend, Kendra Jacobsen, is the V.I.P. in his.

Nomad’s hobbies and passions:

“I enjoy playing music, surfing, fishing, camping, and building stuff.”

Fun facts about Nomad:

1) “Once upon a time, I had a full head of dreadlocks.”

2) “I was the high school QB.”

3) “I like to fix and build things.”

Nomad through the years