Rachel Gordon

A.K.A “Rocko”

Bridesmaid: Rachel (the bride)’s lifelong honorary big sis/bestie and a guaranteed attendant of any and all Callaghan-clan events and family vacays

“I’m (the OG) Rachel! 28, live in Hoboken, NJ. Our dads have been best friends since middle school. Love music and love it enough that I work for a music streaming/audio company!! I enjoy hiking and going out to eat good food. I love my family, friends, and my nephew puppy Widley 😊”

From the couple:

Rachie G is a hilarious, broadway-loving, party animal of a human being and is always a blast to be around.

We love how light-hearted and quick to crack a joke Rachel always is. She’s been in Rachel C’s life since the very start and both she and Graham see Rachel G as an integral part of the Callaghan family.

When did you meet Graham and Rachel?

On meeting Rachel (the Bride): “when she was born😂😂😂”

On meeting Graham: “Manasquan a few years ago, where he met his bestie (my dad)”

“I feel like their love for music brought them together. If I remember correctly, the played in a band together for a little bit. I love that so much as my love language is music. (Can’t play an instrument for shit but still lol)

I just love the dynamic between the two of them. They balance each other out so well. They’re both funny in different ways and have created an incredible partnership that is hard to match.

Rachel and Graham, I love you guys so much!!”

What do you think makes Graham and Rachel good for each other?

What is one of your favorite memories with Graham and Rachel?

“I mean countless mems lol. But together??? Hmmm probably throwing back picklebacks at Leggetts and then in the city when y’all visited?

‘Yes and no. Yes and no.’

Honestly the video for my parent’s anniversary was phenomenal too.”

Get to know Rachel (G.) even better:

Rachel’s interests and passions:

  • Sushi

  • Hiking

  • Classic Rock

  • Animal documentaries

  • Boating

Fun facts about Rocko:

1) “I met Ed Westwick (Chuck) from Gossip Girl on my 21st birthday in London.”

2) “I’ve been caving in Budapest.”

3) “I have a vinyl collection.”

A final note from Rocko:

“I love the feeling of denim.”

Rocko through the years