Juliann Susas

A.K.A. “Queen Jules”

Maid of Honor: Rachel’s cousin (on Rachel’s mother’s side of the fam) and BFF since birth

“Hey, I'm Juliann (Julie), Rachel's cousin and maid of honor! I'm a law student at UCLA and hope to practice entertainment, media, and tech law one day. Outside of school, I love watching Marvel/Star Wars movies, hanging out with my family and friends, and playing with my toy poodles, Charlie and Sophie. I hope you all are as excited as I am to celebrate the lovely couple. On the big day, don't be a stranger and please come find me on the dance floor!!”

From the couple:

Julie is probably one of the most intelligent, thoughtful, and fantastic people anyone could ever meet. She is Rachel’s personal editor (unofficially) and is always down for a good vent session.

Graham and Rachel absolutely love how lively and fun Julie is. No matter what’s going on or where we are, if Julie is with us, it’s always a great time!

How did you meet Rachel and Graham?

“Rachel and I have been best friends since before I can even remember. From coordinating dance numbers for our parents to screaming ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’ to being each other's therapists over Snapchat, Rachel has been a constant in my life and I genuinely do not know what I would do without her. I feel unbelievably blessed to have a cousin who is a fellow Slytherin, equally as high maintenance, and feels like a sister to me.

I met Graham when he first accompanied Rachel to a Susas family gathering at my house in Pennsylvania. The Susas family is a rowdy, stereotypically Filipino bunch. Every get-together is loud, musical, and over-the-top. Definitely an intimidating environment for a first meeting. However, Graham fit right in. He matched our energy and loved hanging out with the cousins. He even took the time to bond with our pups (who are arguably much harder to win over).”

What is one of your favorite memories with Rachel?

“Easily the time that we created a very top-notch music video to Vanessa Hudgens hit single, "Say Ok" only to get completely derailed and film all the cousin chaos.”

How would you describe the relationship shared between Graham and Rachel?

“Genuine. I think something I've seen is that their relationship isn't fluffy and perfect, but it's real, ever evolving, and true. There's ups and downs, but the one constant is the deep love they share for one another. They are constantly growing together and learning from one another.”

Get to know Julie even better:

Julie’s interests and passions:

  • Marvel and Star Wars movies

  • Playing piano

Fun facts about Julie:

  1. “I have lived in 9 different states.”

  2. “I am left-handed.”

  3. “I saw Kim Kardashian while at a work lunch.”

Julie through the years